Ressources library

My Friend with Autism

Berverly Bishop, Craig Bishop (Illustrator)          30 pages/2002

My Friend with Autism is the exceptional result of a parent's determination to help her special needs son fit in with his peers, and to foster tolerance and understanding among her son's friends and schoolmates. 

Navigating the Social World

Jeanette McAfee, M.D. 349 pages/ 2001

This important book offers a definitive program with forms, exercises, and guides for the student. It also presents significant educational guidance and supportive assistance to caregivers and teachers. Because of its unique focus on teaching the critical social skills that autistic children lack, this book has been cited by "Library Journal" as "Essential to All Collections." 

Nobody Nowhere-The Remarkable Autobiography of an Autistic Girl

Donna Williams           224 pages/ 1998

Donna Williams recounts the story of her struggle with autism: how it has shaped her world and the way in which she attempts to break through to the other side. In Nobody Nowhere, she describes the desolation of the first twenty-five years of her life, before discovering the word "autism"- a label which brought with it some answers and the hope of a sense of belonging.

Nouveau livre de scénarios sociaux

Carol Gray

158 pages/ 1994

Les scénarios sociaux visent à fournir aux personnes autistes de l'information exacte sur les diverses situations dans lesquelles elles se retrouvent dans la vie courante. Plusieurs autistes semblent bénéficier d'information écrite: leurs réactions dans diverses situations sociales s'en trouvent améliorées. Les scénarios sociaux ont aussi été utilisés avec succès dans l'enseignement de matières scolaires. Cet ouvrage développe des scénarios nouveaux organisés en 13 chapitres (habiletés sociales, les gens et les animaux de compagnie, les soins personnels, la cuisine et les repas, aider aux travaux ménagers, la récréation et les jeux à l'extérieur, au sujet de l'école, les déplacements, les gens du voisinage, les restaurants et les magasins, le temps qu'il fait)

Parents d'ados: de la tolérance nécessaire à la nécéssité d'intervenir

Céline Boisvert, psychologue clinicienne            206 pages/ 2003

L'adolescence... un mot qui fait frémir d'inquiétude bien des parents! Bien que la majorité des parents et des jeunes traversent cette étape sans grande difficulté, il demeure qu'être parent d'un adolescent suscite des émotions souvent intenses. C'est qu'à l'adolescence, une multitude de transformations affectent le corps, la pensée, les relations et l'humeur des adolescents. Une véritable métamorphose!

Cet ouvrage veut apporter des réponses à ces questions. Il traite, dans un premier chapitre, des diverses composantes de cette étape de développement. Par la suite, il examine, en autant de chapitres, les trois grands champs de tranformations (celles du corps, celles des relations interpersonelles et celles de la pensée) qui contribuent à définir une nouvelle identité. Enfin, les problèmes de santé mentale sont abordés afin d'aider les parents à départager chez leur enfant le comportement normal du comportement pathologique.

Peer Play and the Autism Spectrum: The Art of Guiding Children's Socialization and Imagination

Pamela J Wolfberg,       264 pages/ 2003

This practical guide offers an introduction to the basic principles, tools and techniques that comprise the Integrated Play Groups model, designed to support children of diverse ages and abilities on the autism spectrum (novice players) in mutual play exercises with typical peers and siblings (expert players). Small groups of children regularly play together under the guidance of an adult facilitator (play guide) through a carefully tailored system of support. The emphasis is on maximizing children's developmental potential as well as intrinsic desire to play, socialize and form meaningful relationships with peers.

People with Autism Behaving Badly - Helping people with ASD move on from behavioral and emotional challenges

John Clements

224 pages          2005

People with autism spectrum conditions may often behave in ways that cause difficulties for themsleves and those who care for them. People with Autism Behaving Badly offers effective, long-term strategies to help resolve common problem behaviors such as physical aggression, self-injury, verbal abuse, rudeness and property damage.

The book is organized around common messages conveyed by behaviors and some of the underlying issues that drive these messages. Practical ideas for intervention are provided and illustrated by case examples. A range of exercises help build understanding of the issues and detail appropriate plans. A log book helps track what has been tried and what has been learned. In addition, the author explores the role of relationship ‘styles’ that can help reduce challenging behaviors and encourage positive ones. Realistic information about working together with individuals, families and outside agencies, and about the pros and cons of medication, is also included.

This hands-on, practical manual is indispensable for families, carers and anyone involved with autistic people who need help with behavioral or emotional challenges.


Preparing for Life: The Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for Those with Autism and Asperger`s Syndrome

Dr. Jed Baker   353 pages / 2005

This easy-to-follow resource provides a complete toolbox of social skills and the means to attain them so that students may approach their futures with excitement rather than anxiety. Jed Baker tackles a wide variety of issues faced by individuals across the spectrum, such as perspective-taking, nonverbal communication skills, conversational skills, and stress management. He explains the laws and services that provide assistance, offers a multitude of options and resources, and encourages an emphasis on the students' assets as tools for meeting social goals.

Quand l'alarme de feu est sonnée - une histoire sociale
Raising a Child with Autism- A guide to Applied Behavior Analysis for Parents

Shira Richman              160 pages/2000

Shira Richman explains how parents can adapt the practical techniques used in ABA for use at home, providing tips and guidelines to increase play skills, improve communication and sibling interaction and increase independance. The book also covers toilet-training, food selectivity, self-dressing and community outings, and includes an overview of the theory behind ABA as well as a list of resources for further reading. 

Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD, and NLD

Steven E. Gutstein, Rachel K. Sheely                432 pages/ 2002

This volume contains over 200 enjoyable and stimulating activities and exercises ranging over the entire gamut of social and emotional development, and is applicable to anyone, regardless of diagnosis, but will be particularly valuable for those on the autism spectrum. Activities can be undertaken independently, or with a teacher or therapist, and a full schema for the evaluation of progress and objectives is included.

Relationship Development Intervention with Young Children: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD, NLD

Steven E. Gutstein, Rachelle K. Sheely  336 pages/ 2002

Designed for younger children, typically between the ages of two and eight, this comprehensive set of enjoyable activities emphasizes foundation skills such as social referencing, regulating behavior, conversational reciprocity and synchronized actions. The authors include many objectives to plan and evaluate a child's progress, each one related to a specific exercise. Suitable for parental use, the manual is also designed for easy implementation in school and in therapeutic settings.

Responsabiliser son enfant

Germain Duclos, psychoéducateur et orthopédagogue, Martin Duclos, psychoéducateur

200 pages/ 2005

Au nombre des engagements qu'ils ont à remplir auprès de leur enfant, les parents ont celui de lui inculper le sens des responsabilités.

Responsabiliser son enfant, c'est lui donner des responsabilités pour qu'il prenne conscience du rôle qu'il a à jouer dans sa collectivité. Pour mener à bien cette tâche, les parents doivent s'engager pleinement auprès de l'enfant, établir des règles de conduite sécurisantes et pratiquer une discipline incitative.

Réussir l'inclusion; Un Guide à l'éducation inclusive au Nouveau-Brunswick à l'intention des parents

Association du Nouveau-Brunswick pour l'intégration communautaire      165 pages/ 2000

Comme parents, nous voulons que nos enfants reçoivent une éducation de qualité qui leur permettre de devenir des membres à part entière et de contribuer à la société.

Les parents, on le sait, ne demandent pas mieux que leurs enfants participent pleinement aux activités et qu'ils fassent partie d'une classe régulière au même titre que les autres.

Si vous êtes le parent d'un enfant qui a une limitation, ce guide devrait vous aider à mieux comprendre le système d"éducation du Nouveau-Brunswick, surtout en ce qui concerne l'inclusion des enfants que l'on qualifie "d'exceptionnels"

Sensory Integration

Michael C. Abraham                128 pages/ 2002

Addressing the needs of children with sensory integration dysfunction, this handbook offers practical, detailed information. Using the tools provided, teachers can make careful observations to understand sensory problems. By recognizing a child's underlying difficulties, such as hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to touch and movement, appropriate activities can be planned. The list of suggested strategies cover a wide range of specific needs. Categories include poor posture, clumsiness/poor coordination, excessive restlessness, fine motor problems, trouble with attention, learning behavior, weakness or floppiness of arms or legs, and bilateral integration problems. Working closely with occupational therapists, teachers can use the intervention techniques to enhance the abilities of children with sensory integration dysfunction.

Siblings of Children with Autism: A guide for Families

Sandra L. Harris, Ph.D., Beth A. Glasberg, Ph.D.       180 pages/ 2003

This is an invaluable guide to understanding sibling relationships, how autism affects these relationships, and what families can do to support their other children as they cope with intensive needs of a child with autism. Includes information about the concerns and responsibilities of adult siblings.

Simple Strategies That Work

Brenda Smith Myles, Diane Adreon, Dena Gitlitz         40 pages/ 2006

Helpful hints for all educators of students with Asperger Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism, and related disabilities.            

Sleep Better! A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs

V. Mark Durand, Ph.D.

288 pages/ 1998

This book offers step-by-step, "how to" instructions for helping children with disabilities get the rest they need. For problems ranging from tantrums to night walking, parents and cargivers will find a variety of widely tested and easy-to-implement techniques that have already helped hundreds of children with special needs, especially children with autism, Tourette syndrome, and cerebral palsy. 

Steps to Independence

Bruce L. Baker, Alan J. Brightman         359 pages/ 2004

Parents are their children's first and most influential teachers. That's an important job and this popular, highly respected guidebook makes it much easier. already a trusted resource for thousands of families, this lively book gives parents of children from age 3 through young adulthood proven strategies for teaching children the life skills they'll need to live as independently as possible. Parents will start with a step-by-step guide to teaching seven different types of skills: get-ready, self-help, toilet training, play, self-care, home-care, and information gathering skills.

Based on years of work with parents and laced with humor, helpful illustrations, and vignettes, this is a must-have resource for families and all professionals who work with them.

Stratégies et Astuces pour Mieux Vivre avec un Enfant Présentant un Trouble du Spectre de l’Autisme

Dion E. Betts et Nancy J. Patrick      171 pages/ 2010

Dion E. Betts et Nancy J. Patrick proposent des stratégies créatives et pratiques visant à aider les parents et les intervenants à soutenir l’enfant ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme. Celui-ci peut ainsi acquérir les habiletés sociales nécessaires pour mieux fonctioner et s’épanouir dans la vie quotidienne. Le livre est divisé en cinq sections: le quotidien à la maison, l’hygiène, la communauté, les soins médicaux, ainsi que les écoles et les organismes. Des problèmes courants sont allegés grâce à une section d’outils, notamment des listes de vérification, des aide-mémoire, des horaires visuels et des trucs facilitant la mémorisation et le rappel de l’information.
